
The Jönsas farm consists of a farmhouse and a barn. The farmhouse was moved there in 1970 from the Timmerås farm in Förlanda parish. The older residence burned down in 1953.

This farm got its name from several generations of Jönssons in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. An earlier farmhouse, which burned down in 1953, originally stood there. Like Göttas, it was a converted one-room cottage.

The one-room cottage is the only remaining building of this type in Förlanda parish. It was moved to the hamlet from Timmerås between 1968 and 1970. All the farmhouses in the hamlet were originally of this type, but they all were converted to framkammarstugor, if not replaced by a new farmhouse like Bengts was.

All properties have been placed according to an estate inventory from 1786, and show how everyday life might have looked. The only original item remaining is the loom inside the bedroom, since the original farmhouse burned down in 1953. At the time of the fire, the loom was out in the barn.

Behind the barn is a threshing floor that was purchased in 1892.

The last residents of the farm were the siblings Johannes Andréasson and Anna-Britta Andréasdotter. Anna-Britta moved to the Måhaga retirement home, where she died at the age of 89. Neither of the siblings had children.